
Bootstrap a SaaS with a modern tech stack built to move quickly. In just a few minutes you can deploy a SaaS project that includes:

  • Supabase — Postgres database & user authentication
  • StripeCheckout, subscriptions, and customer portal
  • Tailwindcss — CSS framework
  • shadcn/ui — Prebuilt accessible components
  • Webhooks to automatically synchronize Stripe with Supabase
  • Stripe fixture to bootstrap product data
  • Supabase migrations to bootstrap and manage your db schema
  • Prebuilt pages that are responsive, performant, and accessible
  • Animated button borders! Now your site can look cool without nerds saying you shipped too late 😄

Get Started

Step 1: Setup Supabase

  1. Go to supabase.com and create a project
  2. Go to Project SettingsDatabase Database password and click reset database password then click generate a new password. (I know you already made one, but this fixes a bug with their CLI where it doesn’t like special characters in the password)
  3. Save this password somewhere, you can’t see it after closing the box

Step 2: Setup Stripe

  1. Go to stripe.com and create a project
  2. Go to Customer Portal Settings and click the Active test link button

Step 3: Deploy

  1. Click this link: Deploy to Vercel
  2. On the form create a new repo and add the Supabase integration
  3. Add the environment variables that you have available. For the stripe webhook secret just put any value — we will come back to update this after configuring the webhook
  4. Click Deploy
  5. While you wait, clone your new repo and open it in your code editor. Then create a file named .env.local. Copy and paste the contents of .env.local.example into this file and add the correct values. They should be the same values you added in above.

Step 4: Stripe Webhook

  1. After deploying go to your Vercel dashboard and find your Vercel URL
  2. Next go to your Stripe dashboard, click Developers in the top nav, and then the Webhooks tab
  3. Add an endpoint. Enter your Vercel URL followed by /api/webhooks
  4. Click Select events
  5. Check Select all events
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add endpoint
  7. Click to Reveal signing secret and copy it
  8. Go to your Vercel project settingsEnvironment Variables
  9. Update the value of the STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET env with your newly acquired webhook secret. Press Save

Step 5: Run Supabase Migration

Now we’re going to run the initial Supabase Migration to create your database tables.

  1. Run npx supabase login
  2. Run npx supabase init
  3. Open your package.json and update both UPDATE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_SUPABASE_PROJECT_ID strings with your supabase project id
  4. Run npm run supabase:link
  5. Run npm run migration:up

💥your new database is now ready to go!

Step 6: Run Stripe Fixture

Stripe fixtures are an easy way to configure your product offering without messing around in the Stripe UI.

  1. Install the Stripe CLI. For Macs simply run: brew install stripe/stripe-cli/stripe (assumes you have Homebrew, if not go install it)
  2. Run stripe fixtures ./stripe-fixtures.json — api-key UPDATE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_STRIPE_SK
    (make sure to update the command with your Stripe SK)

💥 your new Stripe products are now ready to go! Not only that, but when changes are made in Stripe the webhook calls the API that was deployed. The API handler takes the data changed in Stripe and synchronizes it with your Supabase database.

Step 7: Last steps

  1. Do a Search All in your code editor for UPDATE_THIS_ and update all instances with the relevant value (except for .env.local.example!)
  2. Delete the delete-me dir

Step 8: Check it out!

🎉 You did it! You should be able to look in your Stripe dashboard and see your products, and you should also see the same data has been populated in your Supabase database. Now let’s test everything.

  1. Run npm i
  2. Run npm run dev
  3. Go to the local app and click Get started for free — this will take you to the login page
  4. We haven’t configured auth providers, so for now click Continue with Email and submit your email address
  5. Click the link sent to your email and you’ll be redirected back to your app — authenticated
  6. Click Get Started on one of the plans. This will take you to a Stripe checkout page (In test mode)
  7. Enter 4242424242424242 as your credit card number. Fill out the rest of the form with any valid data and click Subscribe
  8. You’ll then be redirect to the Account page where you can see your active subscription
  9. Click the Manage your subscription button to be redirect to the Stripe customer portal where you can manage your subscription


After a short setup you have a working database, configured stripe products, checkout, subscriptions, customer portal, webhooks to synchronize Stripe and Supabase, and a beautiful codebase with a modern tech stack. Now you can focus on building your product.

Go to the repo for guides on coding in your new codebase, and here are some links to learn more:

If you need help with the setup, or developing in the codebase, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @kolbysisk — I’m always happy to help. ❤️



Builder of software with a passion for learning. I specialize in web development and user experience design. www.kolbysisk.com